Source code for pyannote.core.timeline

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# The MIT License (MIT)

# Copyright (c) 2014-2020 CNRS

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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# Hervé BREDIN -
# Grant JENKS -


.. plot:: pyplots/

:class:`pyannote.core.Timeline` instances are ordered sets of non-empty

  - ordered, because segments are sorted by start time (and end time in case of tie)
  - set, because one cannot add twice the same segment
  - non-empty, because one cannot add empty segments (*i.e.* start >= end)

There are two ways to define the timeline depicted above:

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [25]: from pyannote.core import Timeline, Segment

  In [26]: timeline = Timeline()
     ....: timeline.add(Segment(1, 5))
     ....: timeline.add(Segment(6, 8))
     ....: timeline.add(Segment(12, 18))
     ....: timeline.add(Segment(7, 20))

  In [27]: segments = [Segment(1, 5), Segment(6, 8), Segment(12, 18), Segment(7, 20)]
     ....: timeline = Timeline(segments=segments, uri='my_audio_file')  # faster

  In [9]: for segment in timeline:
     ...:     print(segment)
  [ 00:00:01.000 -->  00:00:05.000]
  [ 00:00:06.000 -->  00:00:08.000]
  [ 00:00:07.000 -->  00:00:20.000]
  [ 00:00:12.000 -->  00:00:18.000]

.. note::

  The optional *uri*  keyword argument can be used to remember which document it describes.

Several convenient methods are available. Here are a few examples:

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [3]: timeline.extent()    # extent
  Out[3]: <Segment(1, 20)>

  In [5]:  # support
  Out[5]: <Timeline(uri=my_audio_file, segments=[<Segment(1, 5)>, <Segment(6, 20)>])>

  In [6]: timeline.duration()  # support duration
  Out[6]: 18

See :class:`pyannote.core.Timeline` for the complete reference.
import warnings
from typing import (Optional, Iterable, List, Union, Callable,
                    TextIO, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Dict, Text)

from sortedcontainers import SortedList

from . import PYANNOTE_SEGMENT
from .segment import Segment
from .utils.types import Support, Label, CropMode

# this is a moderately ugly way to import `Annotation` to the namespace
#  without causing some circular imports :
    from .annotation import Annotation
    import pandas as pd

# =====================================================================
# Timeline class
# =====================================================================

[docs] class Timeline: """ Ordered set of segments. A timeline can be seen as an ordered set of non-empty segments (Segment). Segments can overlap -- though adding an already exisiting segment to a timeline does nothing. Parameters ---------- segments : Segment iterator, optional initial set of (non-empty) segments uri : string, optional name of segmented resource Returns ------- timeline : Timeline New timeline """ @classmethod def from_df(cls, df: 'pd.DataFrame', uri: Optional[str] = None) -> 'Timeline': segments = list(df[PYANNOTE_SEGMENT]) timeline = cls(segments=segments, uri=uri) return timeline
[docs] def __init__(self, segments: Optional[Iterable[Segment]] = None, uri: str = None): if segments is None: segments = () # set of segments (used for checking inclusion) # Store only non-empty Segments. segments_set = set([segment for segment in segments if segment]) self.segments_set_ = segments_set # sorted list of segments (used for sorted iteration) self.segments_list_ = SortedList(segments_set) # sorted list of (possibly redundant) segment boundaries boundaries = (boundary for segment in segments_set for boundary in segment) self.segments_boundaries_ = SortedList(boundaries) # path to (or any identifier of) segmented resource self.uri: str = uri
[docs] def __len__(self): """Number of segments >>> len(timeline) # timeline contains three segments 3 """ return len(self.segments_set_)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__()
[docs] def __bool__(self): """Emptiness >>> if timeline: ... # timeline is not empty ... else: ... # timeline is empty """ return len(self.segments_set_) > 0
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Segment]: """Iterate over segments (in chronological order) >>> for segment in timeline: ... # do something with the segment See also -------- :class:`pyannote.core.Segment` describes how segments are sorted. """ return iter(self.segments_list_)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, k: int) -> Segment: """Get segment by index (in chronological order) >>> first_segment = timeline[0] >>> penultimate_segment = timeline[-2] """ return self.segments_list_[k]
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: 'Timeline'): """Equality Two timelines are equal if and only if their segments are equal. >>> timeline1 = Timeline([Segment(0, 1), Segment(2, 3)]) >>> timeline2 = Timeline([Segment(2, 3), Segment(0, 1)]) >>> timeline3 = Timeline([Segment(2, 3)]) >>> timeline1 == timeline2 True >>> timeline1 == timeline3 False """ return self.segments_set_ == other.segments_set_
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: 'Timeline'): """Inequality""" return self.segments_set_ != other.segments_set_
[docs] def index(self, segment: Segment) -> int: """Get index of (existing) segment Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Segment that is being looked for. Returns ------- position : int Index of `segment` in timeline Raises ------ ValueError if `segment` is not present. """ return self.segments_list_.index(segment)
[docs] def add(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline': """Add a segment (in place) Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Segment that is being added Returns ------- self : Timeline Updated timeline. Note ---- If the timeline already contains this segment, it will not be added again, as a timeline is meant to be a **set** of segments (not a list). If the segment is empty, it will not be added either, as a timeline only contains non-empty segments. """ segments_set_ = self.segments_set_ if segment in segments_set_ or not segment: return self segments_set_.add(segment) self.segments_list_.add(segment) segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_ segments_boundaries_.add(segment.start) segments_boundaries_.add(segment.end) return self
[docs] def remove(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline': """Remove a segment (in place) Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Segment that is being removed Returns ------- self : Timeline Updated timeline. Note ---- If the timeline does not contain this segment, this does nothing """ segments_set_ = self.segments_set_ if segment not in segments_set_: return self segments_set_.remove(segment) self.segments_list_.remove(segment) segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_ segments_boundaries_.remove(segment.start) segments_boundaries_.remove(segment.end) return self
[docs] def discard(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline': """Same as `remove` See also -------- :func:`pyannote.core.Timeline.remove` """ return self.remove(segment)
def __ior__(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline': return self.update(timeline)
[docs] def update(self, timeline: Segment) -> 'Timeline': """Add every segments of an existing timeline (in place) Parameters ---------- timeline : Timeline Timeline whose segments are being added Returns ------- self : Timeline Updated timeline Note ---- Only segments that do not already exist will be added, as a timeline is meant to be a **set** of segments (not a list). """ segments_set = self.segments_set_ segments_set |= timeline.segments_set_ # sorted list of segments (used for sorted iteration) self.segments_list_ = SortedList(segments_set) # sorted list of (possibly redundant) segment boundaries boundaries = (boundary for segment in segments_set for boundary in segment) self.segments_boundaries_ = SortedList(boundaries) return self
[docs] def __or__(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline': return self.union(timeline)
[docs] def union(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline': """Create new timeline made of union of segments Parameters ---------- timeline : Timeline Timeline whose segments are being added Returns ------- union : Timeline New timeline containing the union of both timelines. Note ---- This does the same as timeline.update(...) except it returns a new timeline, and the original one is not modified. """ segments = self.segments_set_ | timeline.segments_set_ return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri)
[docs] def co_iter(self, other: 'Timeline') -> Iterator[Tuple[Segment, Segment]]: """Iterate over pairs of intersecting segments >>> timeline1 = Timeline([Segment(0, 2), Segment(1, 2), Segment(3, 4)]) >>> timeline2 = Timeline([Segment(1, 3), Segment(3, 5)]) >>> for segment1, segment2 in timeline1.co_iter(timeline2): ... print(segment1, segment2) (<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 3)>) (<Segment(1, 2)>, <Segment(1, 3)>) (<Segment(3, 4)>, <Segment(3, 5)>) Parameters ---------- other : Timeline Second timeline Returns ------- iterable : (Segment, Segment) iterable Yields pairs of intersecting segments in chronological order. """ for segment in self.segments_list_: # iterate over segments that starts before 'segment' ends temp = Segment(start=segment.end, end=segment.end) for other_segment in other.segments_list_.irange(maximum=temp): if segment.intersects(other_segment): yield segment, other_segment
[docs] def crop_iter(self, support: Support, mode: CropMode = 'intersection', returns_mapping: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Union[Tuple[Segment, Segment], Segment]]: """Like `crop` but returns a segment iterator instead See also -------- :func:`pyannote.core.Timeline.crop` """ if mode not in {'loose', 'strict', 'intersection'}: raise ValueError("Mode must be one of 'loose', 'strict', or " "'intersection'.") if not isinstance(support, (Segment, Timeline)): raise TypeError("Support must be a Segment or a Timeline.") if isinstance(support, Segment): # corner case where "support" is empty if support: segments = [support] else: segments = [] support = Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri) for yielded in self.crop_iter(support, mode=mode, returns_mapping=returns_mapping): yield yielded return # if 'support' is a `Timeline`, we use its support support = # loose mode if mode == 'loose': for segment, _ in self.co_iter(support): yield segment return # strict mode if mode == 'strict': for segment, other_segment in self.co_iter(support): if segment in other_segment: yield segment return # intersection mode for segment, other_segment in self.co_iter(support): mapped_to = segment & other_segment if not mapped_to: continue if returns_mapping: yield segment, mapped_to else: yield mapped_to
[docs] def crop(self, support: Support, mode: CropMode = 'intersection', returns_mapping: bool = False) \ -> Union['Timeline', Tuple['Timeline', Dict[Segment, Segment]]]: """Crop timeline to new support Parameters ---------- support : Segment or Timeline If `support` is a `Timeline`, its support is used. mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'intersection'}, optional Controls how segments that are not fully included in `support` are handled. 'strict' mode only keeps fully included segments. 'loose' mode keeps any intersecting segment. 'intersection' mode keeps any intersecting segment but replace them by their actual intersection. returns_mapping : bool, optional In 'intersection' mode, return a dictionary whose keys are segments of the cropped timeline, and values are list of the original segments that were cropped. Defaults to False. Returns ------- cropped : Timeline Cropped timeline mapping : dict When 'returns_mapping' is True, dictionary whose keys are segments of 'cropped', and values are lists of corresponding original segments. Examples -------- >>> timeline = Timeline([Segment(0, 2), Segment(1, 2), Segment(3, 4)]) >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3)) <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(1, 2)>])> >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), mode='loose') <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 2)>])> >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), mode='strict') <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(1, 2)>])> >>> cropped, mapping = timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), returns_mapping=True) >>> print(mapping) {<Segment(1, 2)>: [<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 2)>]} """ if mode == 'intersection' and returns_mapping: segments, mapping = [], {} for segment, mapped_to in self.crop_iter(support, mode='intersection', returns_mapping=True): segments.append(mapped_to) mapping[mapped_to] = mapping.get(mapped_to, list()) + [segment] return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri), mapping return Timeline(segments=self.crop_iter(support, mode=mode), uri=self.uri)
[docs] def overlapping(self, t: float) -> List[Segment]: """Get list of segments overlapping `t` Parameters ---------- t : float Timestamp, in seconds. Returns ------- segments : list List of all segments of timeline containing time t """ return list(self.overlapping_iter(t))
[docs] def overlapping_iter(self, t: float) -> Iterator[Segment]: """Like `overlapping` but returns a segment iterator instead See also -------- :func:`pyannote.core.Timeline.overlapping` """ segment = Segment(start=t, end=t) for segment in self.segments_list_.irange(maximum=segment): if segment.overlaps(t): yield segment
[docs] def get_overlap(self) -> 'Timeline': """Get overlapping parts of the timeline. A simple illustration: .. code-block:: text timeline |------| |------| |----| |--| |-----| |----------| timeline.get_overlap() |--| |---| |----| Returns ------- overlap : `pyannote.core.Timeline` Timeline of the overlaps. """ overlaps_tl = Timeline(uri=self.uri) for s1, s2 in self.co_iter(self): if s1 == s2: continue overlaps_tl.add(s1 & s2) return
[docs] def extrude(self, removed: Support, mode: CropMode = 'intersection') -> 'Timeline': """Remove segments that overlap `removed` support. Parameters ---------- removed : Segment or Timeline If `support` is a `Timeline`, its support is used. mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'intersection'}, optional Controls how segments that are not fully included in `removed` are handled. 'strict' mode only removes fully included segments. 'loose' mode removes any intersecting segment. 'intersection' mode removes the overlapping part of any intersecting segment. Returns ------- extruded : Timeline Extruded timeline Examples -------- >>> timeline = Timeline([Segment(0, 2), Segment(1, 2), Segment(3, 5)]) >>> timeline.extrude(Segment(1, 2)) <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 1)>, <Segment(3, 5)>])> >>> timeline.extrude(Segment(1, 3), mode='loose') <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(3, 5)>])> >>> timeline.extrude(Segment(1, 3), mode='strict') <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(3, 5)>])> """ if isinstance(removed, Segment): removed = Timeline([removed]) extent_tl = Timeline([self.extent()], uri=self.uri) truncating_support = removed.gaps(support=extent_tl) # loose for truncate means strict for crop and vice-versa if mode == "loose": mode = "strict" elif mode == "strict": mode = "loose" return self.crop(truncating_support, mode=mode)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Human-readable representation >>> timeline = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)]) >>> print(timeline) [[ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000] [ 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:13.370]] """ n = len(self.segments_list_) string = "[" for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_list_): string += str(segment) string += "\n " if i + 1 < n else "" string += "]" return string
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Computer-readable representation >>> Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)]) <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 10)>, <Segment(1, 13.37)>])> """ return "<Timeline(uri=%s, segments=%s)>" % (self.uri, list(self.segments_list_))
[docs] def __contains__(self, included: Union[Segment, 'Timeline']): """Inclusion Check whether every segment of `included` does exist in timeline. Parameters ---------- included : Segment or Timeline Segment or timeline being checked for inclusion Returns ------- contains : bool True if every segment in `included` exists in timeline, False otherwise Examples -------- >>> timeline1 = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)]) >>> timeline2 = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10)]) >>> timeline1 in timeline2 False >>> timeline2 in timeline1 >>> Segment(1, 13.37) in timeline1 True """ if isinstance(included, Segment): return included in self.segments_set_ elif isinstance(included, Timeline): return self.segments_set_.issuperset(included.segments_set_) else: raise TypeError( 'Checking for inclusion only supports Segment and ' 'Timeline instances')
[docs] def empty(self) -> 'Timeline': """Return an empty copy Returns ------- empty : Timeline Empty timeline using the same 'uri' attribute. """ return Timeline(uri=self.uri)
[docs] def covers(self, other: 'Timeline') -> bool: """Check whether other timeline is fully covered by the timeline Parameter --------- other : Timeline Second timeline Returns ------- covers : bool True if timeline covers "other" timeline entirely. False if at least one segment of "other" is not fully covered by timeline """ # compute gaps within "other" extent # this is where we should look for possible faulty segments gaps = self.gaps(support=other.extent()) # if at least one gap intersects with a segment from "other", # "self" does not cover "other" entirely --> return False for _ in gaps.co_iter(other): return False # if no gap intersects with a segment from "other", # "self" covers "other" entirely --> return True return True
[docs] def copy(self, segment_func: Optional[Callable[[Segment], Segment]] = None) \ -> 'Timeline': """Get a copy of the timeline If `segment_func` is provided, it is applied to each segment first. Parameters ---------- segment_func : callable, optional Callable that takes a segment as input, and returns a segment. Defaults to identity function (segment_func(segment) = segment) Returns ------- timeline : Timeline Copy of the timeline """ # if segment_func is not provided # just add every segment if segment_func is None: return Timeline(segments=self.segments_list_, uri=self.uri) # if is provided # apply it to each segment before adding them return Timeline(segments=[segment_func(s) for s in self.segments_list_], uri=self.uri)
[docs] def extent(self) -> Segment: """Extent The extent of a timeline is the segment of minimum duration that contains every segments of the timeline. It is unique, by definition. The extent of an empty timeline is an empty segment. A picture is worth a thousand words:: timeline |------| |------| |----| |--| |-----| |----------| timeline.extent() |--------------------------------| Returns ------- extent : Segment Timeline extent Examples -------- >>> timeline = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 1), Segment(9, 10)]) >>> timeline.extent() <Segment(0, 10)> """ if self.segments_set_: segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_ start = segments_boundaries_[0] end = segments_boundaries_[-1] return Segment(start=start, end=end) return Segment(start=0.0, end=0.0)
[docs] def support_iter(self, collar: float = 0.0) -> Iterator[Segment]: """Like `support` but returns a segment generator instead See also -------- :func:`` """ # The support of an empty timeline is an empty timeline. if not self: return # Principle: # * gather all segments with no gap between them # * add one segment per resulting group (their union |) # Note: # Since segments are kept sorted internally, # there is no need to perform an exhaustive segment clustering. # We just have to consider them in their natural order. # Initialize new support segment # as very first segment of the timeline new_segment = self.segments_list_[0] for segment in self: # If there is no gap between new support segment and next segment # OR there is a gap with duration < collar seconds, possible_gap = segment ^ new_segment if not possible_gap or possible_gap.duration < collar: # Extend new support segment using next segment new_segment |= segment # If there actually is a gap and the gap duration >= collar # seconds, else: yield new_segment # Initialize new support segment as next segment # (right after the gap) new_segment = segment # Add new segment to the timeline support yield new_segment
[docs] def support(self, collar: float = 0.) -> 'Timeline': """Timeline support The support of a timeline is the timeline with the minimum number of segments with exactly the same time span as the original timeline. It is (by definition) unique and does not contain any overlapping segments. A picture is worth a thousand words:: collar |---| timeline |------| |------| |----| |--| |-----| |----------| |------| |--------| |----------| |------------------| |----------| Parameters ---------- collar : float, optional Merge separated by less than `collar` seconds. This is why there are only two segments in the final timeline in the above figure. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- support : Timeline Timeline support """ return Timeline(segments=self.support_iter(collar), uri=self.uri)
[docs] def duration(self) -> float: """Timeline duration The timeline duration is the sum of the durations of the segments in the timeline support. Returns ------- duration : float Duration of timeline support, in seconds. """ # The timeline duration is the sum of the durations # of the segments in the timeline support. return sum(s.duration for s in self.support_iter())
[docs] def gaps_iter(self, support: Optional[Support] = None) -> Iterator[Segment]: """Like `gaps` but returns a segment generator instead See also -------- :func:`pyannote.core.Timeline.gaps` """ if support is None: support = self.extent() if not isinstance(support, (Segment, Timeline)): raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for -':" "%s and Timeline." % type(support).__name__) # segment support if isinstance(support, Segment): # `end` is meant to store the end time of former segment # initialize it with beginning of provided segment `support` end = support.start # support on the intersection of timeline and provided segment for segment in self.crop(support, mode='intersection').support(): # add gap between each pair of consecutive segments # if there is no gap, segment is empty, therefore not added gap = Segment(start=end, end=segment.start) if gap: yield gap # keep track of the end of former segment end = segment.end # add final gap (if not empty) gap = Segment(start=end, end=support.end) if gap: yield gap # timeline support elif isinstance(support, Timeline): # yield gaps for every segment in support of provided timeline for segment in for gap in self.gaps_iter(support=segment): yield gap
[docs] def gaps(self, support: Optional[Support] = None) \ -> 'Timeline': """Gaps A picture is worth a thousand words:: timeline |------| |------| |----| |--| |-----| |----------| timeline.gaps() |--| |--| Parameters ---------- support : None, Segment or Timeline Support in which gaps are looked for. Defaults to timeline extent Returns ------- gaps : Timeline Timeline made of all gaps from original timeline, and delimited by provided support See also -------- :func:`pyannote.core.Timeline.extent` """ return Timeline(segments=self.gaps_iter(support=support), uri=self.uri)
[docs] def segmentation(self) -> 'Timeline': """Segmentation Create the unique timeline with same support and same set of segment boundaries as original timeline, but with no overlapping segments. A picture is worth a thousand words:: timeline |------| |------| |----| |--| |-----| |----------| timeline.segmentation() |-|--|-| |-|---|--| |--|----|--| Returns ------- timeline : Timeline (unique) timeline with same support and same set of segment boundaries as original timeline, but with no overlapping segments. """ # COMPLEXITY: O(n) support = # COMPLEXITY: O(n.log n) # get all boundaries (sorted) # |------| |------| |----| # |--| |-----| |----------| # becomes # | | | | | | | | | | | | timestamps = set([]) for (start, end) in self: timestamps.add(start) timestamps.add(end) timestamps = sorted(timestamps) # create new partition timeline # | | | | | | | | | | | | # becomes # |-|--|-| |-|---|--| |--|----|--| # start with an empty copy timeline = Timeline(uri=self.uri) if len(timestamps) == 0: return Timeline(uri=self.uri) segments = [] start = timestamps[0] for end in timestamps[1:]: # only add segments that are covered by original timeline segment = Segment(start=start, end=end) if segment and support.overlapping(segment.middle): segments.append(segment) # next segment... start = end return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri)
[docs] def to_annotation(self, generator: Union[str, Iterable[Label], None, None] = 'string', modality: Optional[str] = None) \ -> 'Annotation': """Turn timeline into an annotation Each segment is labeled by a unique label. Parameters ---------- generator : 'string', 'int', or iterable, optional If 'string' (default) generate string labels. If 'int', generate integer labels. If iterable, use it to generate labels. modality : str, optional Returns ------- annotation : Annotation Annotation """ from .annotation import Annotation annotation = Annotation(uri=self.uri, modality=modality) if generator == 'string': from .utils.generators import string_generator generator = string_generator() elif generator == 'int': from .utils.generators import int_generator generator = int_generator() for segment in self: annotation[segment] = next(generator) return annotation
def _iter_uem(self) -> Iterator[Text]: """Generate lines for a UEM file for this timeline Returns ------- iterator: Iterator[str] An iterator over UEM text lines """ uri = self.uri if self.uri else "<NA>" if isinstance(uri, Text) and ' ' in uri: msg = (f'Space-separated UEM file format does not allow file URIs ' f'containing spaces (got: "{uri}").') raise ValueError(msg) for segment in self: yield f"{uri} 1 {segment.start:.3f} {segment.end:.3f}\n"
[docs] def to_uem(self) -> Text: """Serialize timeline as a string using UEM format Returns ------- serialized: str UEM string """ return "".join([line for line in self._iter_uem()])
[docs] def write_uem(self, file: TextIO): """Dump timeline to file using UEM format Parameters ---------- file : file object Usage ----- >>> with open('file.uem', 'w') as file: ... timeline.write_uem(file) """ for line in self._iter_uem(): file.write(line)
def _repr_png_(self): """IPython notebook support See also -------- :mod:`pyannote.core.notebook` """ from .notebook import MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE, MATPLOTLIB_WARNING if not MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE: warnings.warn(MATPLOTLIB_WARNING.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__)) return None from .notebook import repr_timeline return repr_timeline(self)