Available data structures


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pyannote.core.Segment instances describe temporal fragments (e.g. of an audio file). The segment depicted above can be defined like that:

In [1]: from pyannote.core import Segment

In [2]: segment = Segment(start=5, end=15)

In [3]: print(segment)

It is nothing more than 2-tuples augmented with several useful methods and properties:

In [4]: start, end = segment

In [5]: start

In [6]: segment.end

In [7]: segment.duration  # duration (read-only)

In [8]: segment.middle  # middle (read-only)

In [9]: segment & Segment(3, 12)  # intersection

In [10]: segment | Segment(3, 12)  # union

In [11]: segment.overlaps(3)  # does segment overlap time t=3?

Use Segment.set_precision(ndigits) to automatically round start and end timestamps to ndigits precision after the decimal point. To ensure consistency between Segment instances, it is recommended to call this method only once, right after importing pyannote.core.Segment.

In [12]: Segment(1/1000, 330/1000) == Segment(1/1000, 90/1000+240/1000)
Out[12]: False

In [13]: Segment.set_precision(ndigits=4)

In [14]: Segment(1/1000, 330/1000) == Segment(1/1000, 90/1000+240/1000)
Out[14]: True

See pyannote.core.Segment for the complete reference.


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


pyannote.core.Timeline instances are ordered sets of non-empty segments:

  • ordered, because segments are sorted by start time (and end time in case of tie)

  • set, because one cannot add twice the same segment

  • non-empty, because one cannot add empty segments (i.e. start >= end)

There are two ways to define the timeline depicted above:

In [25]: from pyannote.core import Timeline, Segment

In [26]: timeline = Timeline()
   ....: timeline.add(Segment(1, 5))
   ....: timeline.add(Segment(6, 8))
   ....: timeline.add(Segment(12, 18))
   ....: timeline.add(Segment(7, 20))

In [27]: segments = [Segment(1, 5), Segment(6, 8), Segment(12, 18), Segment(7, 20)]
   ....: timeline = Timeline(segments=segments, uri='my_audio_file')  # faster

In [9]: for segment in timeline:
   ...:     print(segment)
[ 00:00:01.000 -->  00:00:05.000]
[ 00:00:06.000 -->  00:00:08.000]
[ 00:00:07.000 -->  00:00:20.000]
[ 00:00:12.000 -->  00:00:18.000]


The optional uri keyword argument can be used to remember which document it describes.

Several convenient methods are available. Here are a few examples:

In [3]: timeline.extent()    # extent
Out[3]: <Segment(1, 20)>

In [5]: timeline.support()  # support
Out[5]: <Timeline(uri=my_audio_file, segments=[<Segment(1, 5)>, <Segment(6, 20)>])>

In [6]: timeline.duration()  # support duration
Out[6]: 18

See pyannote.core.Timeline for the complete reference.


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


pyannote.core.Annotation instances are ordered sets of non-empty tracks:

  • ordered, because segments are sorted by start time (and end time in case of tie)

  • set, because one cannot add twice the same track

  • non-empty, because one cannot add empty track

A track is a (support, name) pair where support is a Segment instance, and name is an additional identifier so that it is possible to add multiple tracks with the same support.

To define the annotation depicted above:

In [1]: from pyannote.core import Annotation, Segment

In [6]: annotation = Annotation()
   ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5)] = 'Carol'
   ...: annotation[Segment(6, 8)] = 'Bob'
   ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18)] = 'Carol'
   ...: annotation[Segment(7, 20)] = 'Alice'

which is actually a shortcut for

In [6]: annotation = Annotation()
   ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), '_'] = 'Carol'
   ...: annotation[Segment(6, 8), '_'] = 'Bob'
   ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18), '_'] = 'Carol'
   ...: annotation[Segment(7, 20), '_'] = 'Alice'

where all tracks share the same (default) name '_'.

In case two tracks share the same support, use a different track name:

In [6]: annotation = Annotation(uri='my_video_file', modality='speaker')
   ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), 1] = 'Carol'  # track name = 1
   ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), 2] = 'Bob'    # track name = 2
   ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18)] = 'Carol'

The track name does not have to be unique over the whole set of tracks.


The optional uri and modality keywords argument can be used to remember which document and modality (e.g. speaker or face) it describes.

Several convenient methods are available. Here are a few examples:

In [9]: annotation.labels()   # sorted list of labels
Out[9]: ['Bob', 'Carol']

In [10]: annotation.chart()   # label duration chart
Out[10]: [('Carol', 10), ('Bob', 4)]

In [11]: list(annotation.itertracks())
Out[11]: [(<Segment(1, 5)>, 1), (<Segment(1, 5)>, 2), (<Segment(12, 18)>, u'_')]

In [12]: annotation.label_timeline('Carol')
Out[12]: <Timeline(uri=my_video_file, segments=[<Segment(1, 5)>, <Segment(12, 18)>])>

See pyannote.core.Annotation for the complete reference.


See pyannote.core.SlidingWindowFeature for the complete reference.