Source code for pyannote.core.segment

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

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# Hervé BREDIN -


.. plot:: pyplots/

:class:`pyannote.core.Segment` instances describe temporal fragments (*e.g.* of an audio file). The segment depicted above can be defined like that:

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [1]: from pyannote.core import Segment

  In [2]: segment = Segment(start=5, end=15)

  In [3]: print(segment)

It is nothing more than 2-tuples augmented with several useful methods and properties:

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [4]: start, end = segment

  In [5]: start

  In [6]: segment.end

  In [7]: segment.duration  # duration (read-only)

  In [8]: segment.middle  # middle (read-only)

  In [9]: segment & Segment(3, 12)  # intersection

  In [10]: segment | Segment(3, 12)  # union

  In [11]: segment.overlaps(3)  # does segment overlap time t=3?

Use `Segment.set_precision(ndigits)` to automatically round start and end timestamps to `ndigits` precision after the decimal point.
To ensure consistency between `Segment` instances, it is recommended to call this method only once, right after importing `pyannote.core.Segment`.

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [12]: Segment(1/1000, 330/1000) == Segment(1/1000, 90/1000+240/1000)
  Out[12]: False

  In [13]: Segment.set_precision(ndigits=4)

  In [14]: Segment(1/1000, 330/1000) == Segment(1/1000, 90/1000+240/1000)
  Out[14]: True

See :class:`pyannote.core.Segment` for the complete reference.

import warnings
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, List, Iterator, Iterable

from .utils.types import Alignment

import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass

# setting 'frozen' to True makes it hashable and immutable
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class Segment: """ Time interval Parameters ---------- start : float interval start time, in seconds. end : float interval end time, in seconds. Segments can be compared and sorted using the standard operators: >>> Segment(0, 1) == Segment(0, 1.) True >>> Segment(0, 1) != Segment(3, 4) True >>> Segment(0, 1) < Segment(2, 3) True >>> Segment(0, 1) < Segment(0, 2) True >>> Segment(1, 2) < Segment(0, 3) False Note ---- A segment is smaller than another segment if one of these two conditions is verified: - `segment.start < other_segment.start` - `segment.start == other_segment.start` and `segment.end < other_segment.end` """ start: float = 0.0 end: float = 0.0
[docs] @staticmethod def set_precision(ndigits: Optional[int] = None): """Automatically round start and end timestamps to `ndigits` precision after the decimal point To ensure consistency between `Segment` instances, it is recommended to call this method only once, right after importing `pyannote.core.Segment`. Usage ----- >>> from pyannote.core import Segment >>> Segment.set_precision(2) >>> Segment(1/3, 2/3) <Segment(0.33, 0.67)> """ global AUTO_ROUND_TIME global SEGMENT_PRECISION if ndigits is None: # backward compatibility AUTO_ROUND_TIME = False # 1 μs (one microsecond) SEGMENT_PRECISION = 1e-6 else: AUTO_ROUND_TIME = True SEGMENT_PRECISION = 10 ** (-ndigits)
[docs] def __bool__(self): """Emptiness >>> if segment: ... # segment is not empty. ... else: ... # segment is empty. Note ---- A segment is considered empty if its end time is smaller than its start time, or its duration is smaller than 1μs. """ return bool((self.end - self.start) > SEGMENT_PRECISION)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Round start and end up to SEGMENT_PRECISION precision (when required)""" if AUTO_ROUND_TIME: object.__setattr__(self, 'start', int(self.start / SEGMENT_PRECISION + 0.5) * SEGMENT_PRECISION) object.__setattr__(self, 'end', int(self.end / SEGMENT_PRECISION + 0.5) * SEGMENT_PRECISION)
@property def duration(self) -> float: """Segment duration (read-only)""" return self.end - self.start if self else 0. @property def middle(self) -> float: """Segment mid-time (read-only)""" return .5 * (self.start + self.end)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[float]: """Unpack segment boundaries >>> segment = Segment(start, end) >>> start, end = segment """ yield self.start yield self.end
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'Segment': """Get a copy of the segment Returns ------- copy : Segment Copy of the segment. """ return Segment(start=self.start, end=self.end)
# ------------------------------------------------------- # # Inclusion (in), intersection (&), union (|) and gap (^) # # ------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def __contains__(self, other: 'Segment'): """Inclusion >>> segment = Segment(start=0, end=10) >>> Segment(start=3, end=10) in segment: True >>> Segment(start=5, end=15) in segment: False """ return (self.start <= other.start) and (self.end >= other.end)
[docs] def __and__(self, other): """Intersection >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> other_segment = Segment(5, 15) >>> segment & other_segment <Segment(5, 10)> Note ---- When the intersection is empty, an empty segment is returned: >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> other_segment = Segment(15, 20) >>> intersection = segment & other_segment >>> if not intersection: ... # intersection is empty. """ start = max(self.start, other.start) end = min(self.end, other.end) return Segment(start=start, end=end)
[docs] def intersects(self, other: 'Segment') -> bool: """Check whether two segments intersect each other Parameters ---------- other : Segment Other segment Returns ------- intersect : bool True if segments intersect, False otherwise """ return (self.start < other.start and other.start < self.end - SEGMENT_PRECISION) or \ (self.start > other.start and self.start < other.end - SEGMENT_PRECISION) or \ (self.start == other.start)
[docs] def overlaps(self, t: float) -> bool: """Check if segment overlaps a given time Parameters ---------- t : float Time, in seconds. Returns ------- overlap: bool True if segment overlaps time t, False otherwise. """ return self.start <= t and self.end >= t
[docs] def __or__(self, other: 'Segment') -> 'Segment': """Union >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> other_segment = Segment(5, 15) >>> segment | other_segment <Segment(0, 15)> Note ---- When a gap exists between the segment, their union covers the gap as well: >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> other_segment = Segment(15, 20) >>> segment | other_segment <Segment(0, 20) """ # if segment is empty, union is the other one if not self: return other # if other one is empty, union is self if not other: return self # otherwise, do what's meant to be... start = min(self.start, other.start) end = max(self.end, other.end) return Segment(start=start, end=end)
[docs] def __xor__(self, other: 'Segment') -> 'Segment': """Gap >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> other_segment = Segment(15, 20) >>> segment ^ other_segment <Segment(10, 15) Note ---- The gap between a segment and an empty segment is not defined. >>> segment = Segment(0, 10) >>> empty_segment = Segment(11, 11) >>> segment ^ empty_segment ValueError: The gap between a segment and an empty segment is not defined. """ # if segment is empty, xor is not defined if (not self) or (not other): raise ValueError( 'The gap between a segment and an empty segment ' 'is not defined.') start = min(self.end, other.end) end = max(self.start, other.start) return Segment(start=start, end=end)
def _str_helper(self, seconds: float) -> str: from datetime import timedelta negative = seconds < 0 seconds = abs(seconds) td = timedelta(seconds=seconds) seconds = td.seconds + 86400 * td.days microseconds = td.microseconds hours, remainder = divmod(seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) return '%s%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d' % ( '-' if negative else ' ', hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds / 1000)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Human-readable representation >>> print(Segment(1337, 1337 + 0.42)) [ 00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:17.420] Note ---- Empty segments are printed as "[]" """ if self: return '[%s --> %s]' % (self._str_helper(self.start), self._str_helper(self.end)) return '[]'
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Computer-readable representation >>> Segment(1337, 1337 + 0.42) <Segment(1337, 1337.42)> """ return '<Segment(%g, %g)>' % (self.start, self.end)
def _repr_png_(self): """IPython notebook support See also -------- :mod:`pyannote.core.notebook` """ from .notebook import MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE, MATPLOTLIB_WARNING if not MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE: warnings.warn(MATPLOTLIB_WARNING.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__)) return None from .notebook import repr_segment try: return repr_segment(self) except ImportError: warnings.warn( f"Couldn't import matplotlib to render the vizualization for object {self}. To enable, install the required dependencies with 'pip install pyannore.core[notebook]'") return None
[docs] class SlidingWindow: """Sliding window Parameters ---------- duration : float > 0, optional Window duration, in seconds. Default is 30 ms. step : float > 0, optional Step between two consecutive position, in seconds. Default is 10 ms. start : float, optional First start position of window, in seconds. Default is 0. end : float > `start`, optional Default is infinity (ie. window keeps sliding forever) Examples -------- >>> sw = SlidingWindow(duration, step, start) >>> frame_range = (a, b) >>> frame_range == sw.toFrameRange(sw.toSegment(*frame_range)) ... True >>> segment = Segment(A, B) >>> new_segment = sw.toSegment(*sw.toFrameRange(segment)) >>> abs(segment) - abs(segment & new_segment) < .5 * sw.step >>> sw = SlidingWindow(end=0.1) >>> print(next(sw)) [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.030] >>> print(next(sw)) [ 00:00:00.010 --> 00:00:00.040] """
[docs] def __init__(self, duration=0.030, step=0.010, start=0.000, end=None): # duration must be a float > 0 if duration <= 0: raise ValueError("'duration' must be a float > 0.") self.__duration = duration # step must be a float > 0 if step <= 0: raise ValueError("'step' must be a float > 0.") self.__step: float = step # start must be a float. self.__start: float = start # if end is not provided, set it to infinity if end is None: self.__end: float = np.inf else: # end must be greater than start if end <= start: raise ValueError("'end' must be greater than 'start'.") self.__end: float = end # current index of iterator self.__i: int = -1
@property def start(self) -> float: """Sliding window start time in seconds.""" return self.__start @property def end(self) -> float: """Sliding window end time in seconds.""" return self.__end @property def step(self) -> float: """Sliding window step in seconds.""" return self.__step @property def duration(self) -> float: """Sliding window duration in seconds.""" return self.__duration
[docs] def closest_frame(self, t: float) -> int: """Closest frame to timestamp. Parameters ---------- t : float Timestamp, in seconds. Returns ------- index : int Index of frame whose middle is the closest to `timestamp` """ return int(np.rint( (t - self.__start - .5 * self.__duration) / self.__step ))
[docs] def samples(self, from_duration: float, mode: Alignment = 'strict') -> int: """Number of frames Parameters ---------- from_duration : float Duration in seconds. mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'center'} In 'strict' mode, computes the maximum number of consecutive frames that can be fitted into a segment with duration `from_duration`. In 'loose' mode, computes the maximum number of consecutive frames intersecting a segment with duration `from_duration`. In 'center' mode, computes the average number of consecutive frames where the first one is centered on the start time and the last one is centered on the end time of a segment with duration `from_duration`. """ if mode == 'strict': return int(np.floor((from_duration - self.duration) / self.step)) + 1 elif mode == 'loose': return int(np.floor((from_duration + self.duration) / self.step)) elif mode == 'center': return int(np.rint((from_duration / self.step)))
[docs] def crop(self, focus: Union[Segment, 'Timeline'], mode: Alignment = 'loose', fixed: Optional[float] = None, return_ranges: Optional[bool] = False) -> \ Union[np.ndarray, List[List[int]]]: """Crop sliding window Parameters ---------- focus : `Segment` or `Timeline` mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'center'}, optional In 'strict' mode, only indices of segments fully included in 'focus' support are returned. In 'loose' mode, indices of any intersecting segments are returned. In 'center' mode, first and last positions are chosen to be the positions whose centers are the closest to 'focus' start and end times. Defaults to 'loose'. fixed : float, optional Overrides `Segment` 'focus' duration and ensures that the number of returned frames is fixed (which might otherwise not be the case because of rounding erros). return_ranges : bool, optional Return as list of ranges. Defaults to indices numpy array. Returns ------- indices : np.array (or list of ranges) Array of unique indices of matching segments """ from .timeline import Timeline if not isinstance(focus, (Segment, Timeline)): msg = '"focus" must be a `Segment` or `Timeline` instance.' raise TypeError(msg) if isinstance(focus, Timeline): if fixed is not None: msg = "'fixed' is not supported with `Timeline` 'focus'." raise ValueError(msg) if return_ranges: ranges = [] for i, s in enumerate( rng = self.crop(s, mode=mode, fixed=fixed, return_ranges=True) # if first or disjoint segment, add it if i == 0 or rng[0][0] > ranges[-1][1]: ranges += rng # if overlapping segment, update last range else: ranges[-1][1] = rng[0][1] return ranges # concatenate all indices indices = np.hstack([ self.crop(s, mode=mode, fixed=fixed, return_ranges=False) for s in]) # remove duplicate indices return np.unique(indices) # 'focus' is a `Segment` instance if mode == 'loose': # find smallest integer i such that # self.start + i x self.step + self.duration >= focus.start i_ = (focus.start - self.duration - self.start) / self.step i = int(np.ceil(i_)) if fixed is None: # find largest integer j such that # self.start + j x self.step <= focus.end j_ = (focus.end - self.start) / self.step j = int(np.floor(j_)) rng = (i, j + 1) else: n = self.samples(fixed, mode='loose') rng = (i, i + n) elif mode == 'strict': # find smallest integer i such that # self.start + i x self.step >= focus.start i_ = (focus.start - self.start) / self.step i = int(np.ceil(i_)) if fixed is None: # find largest integer j such that # self.start + j x self.step + self.duration <= focus.end j_ = (focus.end - self.duration - self.start) / self.step j = int(np.floor(j_)) rng = (i, j + 1) else: n = self.samples(fixed, mode='strict') rng = (i, i + n) elif mode == 'center': # find window position whose center is the closest to focus.start i = self.closest_frame(focus.start) if fixed is None: # find window position whose center is the closest to focus.end j = self.closest_frame(focus.end) rng = (i, j + 1) else: n = self.samples(fixed, mode='center') rng = (i, i + n) else: msg = "'mode' must be one of {'loose', 'strict', 'center'}." raise ValueError(msg) if return_ranges: return [list(rng)] return np.array(range(*rng), dtype=np.int64)
def segmentToRange(self, segment: Segment) -> Tuple[int, int]: warnings.warn("Deprecated in favor of `segment_to_range`", DeprecationWarning) return self.segment_to_range(segment)
[docs] def segment_to_range(self, segment: Segment) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Convert segment to 0-indexed frame range Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Returns ------- i0 : int Index of first frame n : int Number of frames Examples -------- >>> window = SlidingWindow() >>> print window.segment_to_range(Segment(10, 15)) i0, n """ # find closest frame to segment start i0 = self.closest_frame(segment.start) # number of steps to cover segment duration n = int(segment.duration / self.step) + 1 return i0, n
def rangeToSegment(self, i0: int, n: int) -> Segment: warnings.warn("This is deprecated in favor of `range_to_segment`", DeprecationWarning) return self.range_to_segment(i0, n)
[docs] def range_to_segment(self, i0: int, n: int) -> Segment: """Convert 0-indexed frame range to segment Each frame represents a unique segment of duration 'step', centered on the middle of the frame. The very first frame (i0 = 0) is the exception. It is extended to the sliding window start time. Parameters ---------- i0 : int Index of first frame n : int Number of frames Returns ------- segment : Segment Examples -------- >>> window = SlidingWindow() >>> print window.range_to_segment(3, 2) [ --> ] """ # frame start time # start = self.start + i0 * self.step # frame middle time # start += .5 * self.duration # subframe start time # start -= .5 * self.step start = self.__start + (i0 - .5) * self.__step + .5 * self.__duration duration = n * self.__step end = start + duration # extend segment to the beginning of the timeline if i0 == 0: start = self.start return Segment(start, end)
def samplesToDuration(self, nSamples: int) -> float: warnings.warn("This is deprecated in favor of `samples_to_duration`", DeprecationWarning) return self.samples_to_duration(nSamples)
[docs] def samples_to_duration(self, n_samples: int) -> float: """Returns duration of samples""" return self.range_to_segment(0, n_samples).duration
def durationToSamples(self, duration: float) -> int: warnings.warn("This is deprecated in favor of `duration_to_samples`", DeprecationWarning) return self.duration_to_samples(duration)
[docs] def duration_to_samples(self, duration: float) -> int: """Returns samples in duration""" return self.segment_to_range(Segment(0, duration))[1]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Segment: """ Parameters ---------- i : int Index of sliding window position Returns ------- segment : :class:`Segment` Sliding window at ith position """ # window start time at ith position start = self.__start + i * self.__step # in case segment starts after the end, # return an empty segment if start >= self.__end: return None return Segment(start=start, end=start + self.__duration)
def next(self) -> Segment: return self.__next__() def __next__(self) -> Segment: self.__i += 1 window = self[self.__i] if window: return window else: raise StopIteration()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> 'SlidingWindow': """Sliding window iterator Use expression 'for segment in sliding_window' Examples -------- >>> window = SlidingWindow(end=0.1) >>> for segment in window: ... print(segment) [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.030] [ 00:00:00.010 --> 00:00:00.040] [ 00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:00.050] [ 00:00:00.030 --> 00:00:00.060] [ 00:00:00.040 --> 00:00:00.070] [ 00:00:00.050 --> 00:00:00.080] [ 00:00:00.060 --> 00:00:00.090] [ 00:00:00.070 --> 00:00:00.100] [ 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:00.110] [ 00:00:00.090 --> 00:00:00.120] """ # reset iterator index self.__i = -1 return self
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Number of positions Equivalent to len([segment for segment in window]) Returns ------- length : int Number of positions taken by the sliding window (from start times to end times) """ if np.isinf(self.__end): raise ValueError('infinite sliding window.') # start looking for last position # based on frame closest to the end i = self.closest_frame(self.__end) while (self[i]): i += 1 length = i return length
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'SlidingWindow': """Duplicate sliding window""" duration = self.duration step = self.step start = self.start end = self.end sliding_window = self.__class__( duration=duration, step=step, start=start, end=end ) return sliding_window
[docs] def __call__(self, support: Union[Segment, 'Timeline'], align_last: bool = False) -> Iterable[Segment]: """Slide window over support Parameter --------- support : Segment or Timeline Support on which to slide the window. align_last : bool, optional Yield a final segment so that it aligns exactly with end of support. Yields ------ chunk : Segment Example ------- >>> window = SlidingWindow(duration=2., step=1.) >>> for chunk in window(Segment(3, 7.5)): ... print(tuple(chunk)) (3.0, 5.0) (4.0, 6.0) (5.0, 7.0) >>> for chunk in window(Segment(3, 7.5), align_last=True): ... print(tuple(chunk)) (3.0, 5.0) (4.0, 6.0) (5.0, 7.0) (5.5, 7.5) """ from pyannote.core import Timeline if isinstance(support, Timeline): segments = support elif isinstance(support, Segment): segments = Timeline(segments=[support]) else: msg = ( f'"support" must be either a Segment or a Timeline ' f'instance (is {type(support)})' ) raise TypeError(msg) for segment in segments: if segment.duration < self.duration: continue window = SlidingWindow(duration=self.duration, step=self.step, start=segment.start, end=segment.end) for s in window: # ugly hack to account for floating point imprecision if s in segment: yield s last = s if align_last and last.end < segment.end: yield Segment(start=segment.end - self.duration, end=segment.end)