Source code for pyannote.core.annotation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# Hervé BREDIN -


.. plot:: pyplots/

:class:`pyannote.core.Annotation` instances are ordered sets of non-empty

  - ordered, because segments are sorted by start time (and end time in case of tie)
  - set, because one cannot add twice the same track
  - non-empty, because one cannot add empty track

A track is a (support, name) pair where `support` is a Segment instance,
and `name` is an additional identifier so that it is possible to add multiple
tracks with the same support.

To define the annotation depicted above:

.. code-block:: ipython

    In [1]: from pyannote.core import Annotation, Segment

    In [6]: annotation = Annotation()
       ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5)] = 'Carol'
       ...: annotation[Segment(6, 8)] = 'Bob'
       ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18)] = 'Carol'
       ...: annotation[Segment(7, 20)] = 'Alice'

which is actually a shortcut for

.. code-block:: ipython

    In [6]: annotation = Annotation()
       ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), '_'] = 'Carol'
       ...: annotation[Segment(6, 8), '_'] = 'Bob'
       ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18), '_'] = 'Carol'
       ...: annotation[Segment(7, 20), '_'] = 'Alice'

where all tracks share the same (default) name ``'_'``.

In case two tracks share the same support, use a different track name:

.. code-block:: ipython

    In [6]: annotation = Annotation(uri='my_video_file', modality='speaker')
       ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), 1] = 'Carol'  # track name = 1
       ...: annotation[Segment(1, 5), 2] = 'Bob'    # track name = 2
       ...: annotation[Segment(12, 18)] = 'Carol'

The track name does not have to be unique over the whole set of tracks.

.. note::

  The optional *uri* and *modality* keywords argument can be used to remember
  which document and modality (e.g. speaker or face) it describes.

Several convenient methods are available. Here are a few examples:

.. code-block:: ipython

  In [9]: annotation.labels()   # sorted list of labels
  Out[9]: ['Bob', 'Carol']

  In [10]: annotation.chart()   # label duration chart
  Out[10]: [('Carol', 10), ('Bob', 4)]

  In [11]: list(annotation.itertracks())
  Out[11]: [(<Segment(1, 5)>, 1), (<Segment(1, 5)>, 2), (<Segment(12, 18)>, u'_')]

  In [12]: annotation.label_timeline('Carol')
  Out[12]: <Timeline(uri=my_video_file, segments=[<Segment(1, 5)>, <Segment(12, 18)>])>

See :class:`pyannote.core.Annotation` for the complete reference.
import itertools
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

from . import (
from .segment import Segment, SlidingWindow
from .timeline import Timeline
from .feature import SlidingWindowFeature
from .utils.generators import string_generator, int_generator
from .utils.types import Label, Key, Support, LabelGenerator, TrackName, CropMode

    import pandas as pd

[docs] class Annotation: """Annotation Parameters ---------- uri : string, optional name of annotated resource (e.g. audio or video file) modality : string, optional name of annotated modality Returns ------- annotation : Annotation New annotation """ @classmethod def from_df( cls, df: "pd.DataFrame", uri: Optional[str] = None, modality: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Annotation": df = df[[PYANNOTE_SEGMENT, PYANNOTE_TRACK, PYANNOTE_LABEL]] return Annotation.from_records(df.itertuples(index=False), uri, modality)
[docs] def __init__(self, uri: Optional[str] = None, modality: Optional[str] = None): self._uri: Optional[str] = uri self.modality: Optional[str] = modality # sorted dictionary # keys: annotated segments # values: {track: label} dictionary self._tracks: Dict[Segment, Dict[TrackName, Label]] = SortedDict() # dictionary # key: label # value: timeline self._labels: Dict[Label, Timeline] = {} self._labelNeedsUpdate: Dict[Label, bool] = {} # timeline meant to store all annotated segments self._timeline: Timeline = None self._timelineNeedsUpdate: bool = True
@property def uri(self): return self._uri @uri.setter def uri(self, uri: str): # update uri for all internal timelines for label in self.labels(): timeline = self.label_timeline(label, copy=False) timeline.uri = uri timeline = self.get_timeline(copy=False) timeline.uri = uri self._uri = uri def _updateLabels(self): # list of labels that needs to be updated update = set( label for label, update in self._labelNeedsUpdate.items() if update ) # accumulate segments for updated labels _segments = {label: [] for label in update} for segment, track, label in self.itertracks(yield_label=True): if label in update: _segments[label].append(segment) # create timeline with accumulated segments for updated labels for label in update: if _segments[label]: self._labels[label] = Timeline(segments=_segments[label], uri=self.uri) self._labelNeedsUpdate[label] = False else: self._labels.pop(label, None) self._labelNeedsUpdate.pop(label, None)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Number of segments >>> len(annotation) # annotation contains three segments 3 """ return len(self._tracks)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__()
[docs] def __bool__(self): """Emptiness >>> if annotation: ... # annotation is not empty ... else: ... # annotation is empty """ return len(self._tracks) > 0
[docs] def itersegments(self): """Iterate over segments (in chronological order) >>> for segment in annotation.itersegments(): ... # do something with the segment See also -------- :class:`pyannote.core.Segment` describes how segments are sorted. """ return iter(self._tracks)
[docs] def itertracks( self, yield_label: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Union[Tuple[Segment, TrackName], Tuple[Segment, TrackName, Label]]]: """Iterate over tracks (in chronological order) Parameters ---------- yield_label : bool, optional When True, yield (segment, track, label) tuples, such that annotation[segment, track] == label. Defaults to yielding (segment, track) tuple. Examples -------- >>> for segment, track in annotation.itertracks(): ... # do something with the track >>> for segment, track, label in annotation.itertracks(yield_label=True): ... # do something with the track and its label """ for segment, tracks in self._tracks.items(): for track, lbl in sorted( tracks.items(), key=lambda tl: (str(tl[0]), str(tl[1])) ): if yield_label: yield segment, track, lbl else: yield segment, track
def _updateTimeline(self): self._timeline = Timeline(segments=self._tracks, uri=self.uri) self._timelineNeedsUpdate = False
[docs] def get_timeline(self, copy: bool = True) -> Timeline: """Get timeline made of all annotated segments Parameters ---------- copy : bool, optional Defaults (True) to returning a copy of the internal timeline. Set to False to return the actual internal timeline (faster). Returns ------- timeline : Timeline Timeline made of all annotated segments. Note ---- In case copy is set to False, be careful **not** to modify the returned timeline, as it may lead to weird subsequent behavior of the annotation instance. """ if self._timelineNeedsUpdate: self._updateTimeline() if copy: return self._timeline.copy() return self._timeline
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: "Annotation"): """Equality >>> annotation == other Two annotations are equal if and only if their tracks and associated labels are equal. """ pairOfTracks = itertools.zip_longest( self.itertracks(yield_label=True), other.itertracks(yield_label=True) ) return all(t1 == t2 for t1, t2 in pairOfTracks)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: "Annotation"): """Inequality""" pairOfTracks = itertools.zip_longest( self.itertracks(yield_label=True), other.itertracks(yield_label=True) ) return any(t1 != t2 for t1, t2 in pairOfTracks)
[docs] def __contains__(self, included: Union[Segment, Timeline]): """Inclusion Check whether every segment of `included` does exist in annotation. Parameters ---------- included : Segment or Timeline Segment or timeline being checked for inclusion Returns ------- contains : bool True if every segment in `included` exists in timeline, False otherwise """ return included in self.get_timeline(copy=False)
def _iter_rttm(self) -> Iterator[Text]: """Generate lines for an RTTM file for this annotation Returns ------- iterator: Iterator[str] An iterator over RTTM text lines """ uri = self.uri if self.uri else "<NA>" if isinstance(uri, Text) and " " in uri: msg = ( f"Space-separated RTTM file format does not allow file URIs " f'containing spaces (got: "{uri}").' ) raise ValueError(msg) for segment, _, label in self.itertracks(yield_label=True): if isinstance(label, Text) and " " in label: msg = ( f"Space-separated RTTM file format does not allow labels " f'containing spaces (got: "{label}").' ) raise ValueError(msg) yield ( f"SPEAKER {uri} 1 {segment.start:.3f} {segment.duration:.3f} " f"<NA> <NA> {label} <NA> <NA>\n" )
[docs] def to_rttm(self) -> Text: """Serialize annotation as a string using RTTM format Returns ------- serialized: str RTTM string """ return "".join([line for line in self._iter_rttm()])
[docs] def write_rttm(self, file: TextIO): """Dump annotation to file using RTTM format Parameters ---------- file : file object Usage ----- >>> with open('file.rttm', 'w') as file: ... annotation.write_rttm(file) """ for line in self._iter_rttm(): file.write(line)
def _iter_lab(self) -> Iterator[Text]: """Generate lines for a LAB file for this annotation Returns ------- iterator: Iterator[str] An iterator over LAB text lines """ for segment, _, label in self.itertracks(yield_label=True): if isinstance(label, Text) and " " in label: msg = ( f"Space-separated LAB file format does not allow labels " f'containing spaces (got: "{label}").' ) raise ValueError(msg) yield f"{segment.start:.3f} {segment.start + segment.duration:.3f} {label}\n"
[docs] def to_lab(self) -> Text: """Serialize annotation as a string using LAB format Returns ------- serialized: str LAB string """ return "".join([line for line in self._iter_lab()])
[docs] def write_lab(self, file: TextIO): """Dump annotation to file using LAB format Parameters ---------- file : file object Usage ----- >>> with open('file.lab', 'w') as file: ... annotation.write_lab(file) """ for line in self._iter_lab(): file.write(line)
[docs] def crop(self, support: Support, mode: CropMode = "intersection") -> "Annotation": """Crop annotation to new support Parameters ---------- support : Segment or Timeline If `support` is a `Timeline`, its support is used. mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'intersection'}, optional Controls how segments that are not fully included in `support` are handled. 'strict' mode only keeps fully included segments. 'loose' mode keeps any intersecting segment. 'intersection' mode keeps any intersecting segment but replace them by their actual intersection. Returns ------- cropped : Annotation Cropped annotation Note ---- In 'intersection' mode, the best is done to keep the track names unchanged. However, in some cases where two original segments are cropped into the same resulting segments, conflicting track names are modified to make sure no track is lost. """ # TODO speed things up by working directly with annotation internals if isinstance(support, Segment): support = Timeline(segments=[support], uri=self.uri) return self.crop(support, mode=mode) elif isinstance(support, Timeline): # if 'support' is a `Timeline`, we use its support support = cropped = self.__class__(uri=self.uri, modality=self.modality) if mode == "loose": _tracks = {} _labels = set([]) for segment, _ in self.get_timeline(copy=False).co_iter(support): tracks = dict(self._tracks[segment]) _tracks[segment] = tracks _labels.update(tracks.values()) cropped._tracks = SortedDict(_tracks) cropped._labelNeedsUpdate = {label: True for label in _labels} cropped._labels = {label: None for label in _labels} cropped._timelineNeedsUpdate = True cropped._timeline = None return cropped elif mode == "strict": _tracks = {} _labels = set([]) for segment, other_segment in self.get_timeline(copy=False).co_iter( support ): if segment not in other_segment: continue tracks = dict(self._tracks[segment]) _tracks[segment] = tracks _labels.update(tracks.values()) cropped._tracks = SortedDict(_tracks) cropped._labelNeedsUpdate = {label: True for label in _labels} cropped._labels = {label: None for label in _labels} cropped._timelineNeedsUpdate = True cropped._timeline = None return cropped elif mode == "intersection": for segment, other_segment in self.get_timeline(copy=False).co_iter( support ): intersection = segment & other_segment for track, label in self._tracks[segment].items(): track = cropped.new_track(intersection, candidate=track) cropped[intersection, track] = label return cropped else: raise NotImplementedError("unsupported mode: '%s'" % mode)
[docs] def extrude( self, removed: Support, mode: CropMode = "intersection" ) -> "Annotation": """Remove segments that overlap `removed` support. A simple illustration: .. code-block:: text A |------| |------| # B |----------| # self C |--------------| |------| # # |-------| |-----------| # removed # A # B |---| # mode="intersection" C |--| |------| # A # B # mode="loose" C |------| # A |------| # B |----------| # mode="strict" C |--------------| |------| # Parameters ---------- removed : Segment or Timeline If `support` is a `Timeline`, its support is used. mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'intersection'}, optional Controls how segments that are not fully included in `removed` are handled. 'strict' mode only removes fully included segments. 'loose' mode removes any intersecting segment. 'intersection' mode removes the overlapping part of any intersecting segment. Returns ------- extruded : Annotation Extruded annotation Note ---- In 'intersection' mode, the best is done to keep the track names unchanged. However, in some cases where two original segments are cropped into the same resulting segments, conflicting track names are modified to make sure no track is lost. """ if isinstance(removed, Segment): removed = Timeline([removed]) extent_tl = Timeline([self.get_timeline().extent()], uri=self.uri) truncating_support = removed.gaps(support=extent_tl) # loose for truncate means strict for crop and vice-versa if mode == "loose": mode = "strict" elif mode == "strict": mode = "loose" return self.crop(truncating_support, mode=mode)
[docs] def get_overlap(self, labels: Optional[Iterable[Label]] = None) -> "Timeline": """Get overlapping parts of the annotation. A simple illustration: .. code-block:: text annotation A |------| |------| |----| B |--| |-----| |----------| C |--------------| |------| annotation.get_overlap() |------| |-----| |--------| annotation.get_overlap(for_labels=["A", "B"]) |--| |--| |----| Parameters ---------- labels : optional list of labels Labels for which to consider the overlap Returns ------- overlap : `pyannote.core.Timeline` Timeline of the overlaps. """ if labels: annotation = self.subset(labels) else: annotation = self overlaps_tl = Timeline(uri=annotation.uri) for (s1, t1), (s2, t2) in annotation.co_iter(annotation): # if labels are the same for the two segments, skipping if self[s1, t1] == self[s2, t2]: continue overlaps_tl.add(s1 & s2) return
[docs] def get_tracks(self, segment: Segment) -> Set[TrackName]: """Query tracks by segment Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Query Returns ------- tracks : set Set of tracks Note ---- This will return an empty set if segment does not exist. """ return set(self._tracks.get(segment, {}).keys())
[docs] def has_track(self, segment: Segment, track: TrackName) -> bool: """Check whether a given track exists Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Query segment track : Query track Returns ------- exists : bool True if track exists for segment """ return track in self._tracks.get(segment, {})
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Annotation": """Get a copy of the annotation Returns ------- annotation : Annotation Copy of the annotation """ # create new empty annotation copied = self.__class__(uri=self.uri, modality=self.modality) # deep copy internal track dictionary _tracks, _labels = [], set([]) for key, value in self._tracks.items(): _labels.update(value.values()) _tracks.append((key, dict(value))) copied._tracks = SortedDict(_tracks) copied._labels = {label: None for label in _labels} copied._labelNeedsUpdate = {label: True for label in _labels} copied._timeline = None copied._timelineNeedsUpdate = True return copied
[docs] def new_track( self, segment: Segment, candidate: Optional[TrackName] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TrackName: """Generate a new track name for given segment Ensures that the returned track name does not already exist for the given segment. Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Segment for which a new track name is generated. candidate : any valid track name, optional When provided, try this candidate name first. prefix : str, optional Track name prefix. Defaults to the empty string ''. Returns ------- name : str New track name """ # obtain list of existing tracks for segment existing_tracks = set(self._tracks.get(segment, {})) # if candidate is provided, check whether it already exists # in case it does not, use it if (candidate is not None) and (candidate not in existing_tracks): return candidate # no candidate was provided or the provided candidate already exists # we need to create a brand new one # by default (if prefix is not provided), use '' if prefix is None: prefix = "" # find first non-existing track name for segment # eg. if '0' exists, try '1', then '2', ... count = 0 while ("%s%d" % (prefix, count)) in existing_tracks: count += 1 # return first non-existing track name return "%s%d" % (prefix, count)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Human-friendly representation""" # TODO: use pandas.DataFrame return "\n".join( ["%s %s %s" % (s, t, l) for s, t, l in self.itertracks(yield_label=True)] )
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: Key): """Delete one track >>> del annotation[segment, track] Delete all tracks of a segment >>> del annotation[segment] """ # del annotation[segment] if isinstance(key, Segment): # Pop segment out of dictionary # and get corresponding tracks # Raises KeyError if segment does not exist tracks = self._tracks.pop(key) # mark timeline as modified self._timelineNeedsUpdate = True # mark every label in tracks as modified for track, label in tracks.items(): self._labelNeedsUpdate[label] = True # del annotation[segment, track] elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2: # get segment tracks as dictionary # if segment does not exist, get empty dictionary # Raises KeyError if segment does not exist tracks = self._tracks[key[0]] # pop track out of tracks dictionary # and get corresponding label # Raises KeyError if track does not exist label = tracks.pop(key[1]) # mark label as modified self._labelNeedsUpdate[label] = True # if tracks dictionary is now empty, # remove segment as well if not tracks: self._tracks.pop(key[0]) self._timelineNeedsUpdate = True else: raise NotImplementedError( "Deletion only works with Segment or (Segment, track) keys." )
# label = annotation[segment, track]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Key) -> Label: """Get track label >>> label = annotation[segment, track] Note ---- ``annotation[segment]`` is equivalent to ``annotation[segment, '_']`` """ if isinstance(key, Segment): key = (key, "_") return self._tracks[key[0]][key[1]]
# annotation[segment, track] = label
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: Key, label: Label): """Add new or update existing track >>> annotation[segment, track] = label If (segment, track) does not exist, it is added. If (segment, track) already exists, it is updated. Note ---- ``annotation[segment] = label`` is equivalent to ``annotation[segment, '_'] = label`` Note ---- If `segment` is empty, it does nothing. """ if isinstance(key, Segment): key = (key, "_") segment, track = key # do not add empty track if not segment: return # in case we create a new segment # mark timeline as modified if segment not in self._tracks: self._tracks[segment] = {} self._timelineNeedsUpdate = True # in case we modify an existing track # mark old label as modified if track in self._tracks[segment]: old_label = self._tracks[segment][track] self._labelNeedsUpdate[old_label] = True # mark new label as modified self._tracks[segment][track] = label self._labelNeedsUpdate[label] = True
[docs] def empty(self) -> "Annotation": """Return an empty copy Returns ------- empty : Annotation Empty annotation using the same 'uri' and 'modality' attributes. """ return self.__class__(uri=self.uri, modality=self.modality)
[docs] def labels(self) -> List[Label]: """Get sorted list of labels Returns ------- labels : list Sorted list of labels """ if any([lnu for lnu in self._labelNeedsUpdate.values()]): self._updateLabels() return sorted(self._labels, key=str)
[docs] def get_labels( self, segment: Segment, unique: bool = True ) -> Union[Set[Label], List[Label]]: """Query labels by segment Parameters ---------- segment : Segment Query unique : bool, optional When False, return the list of (possibly repeated) labels. Defaults to returning the set of labels. Returns ------- labels : set or list Set (resp. list) of labels for `segment` if it exists, empty set (resp. list) otherwise if unique (resp. if not unique). Examples -------- >>> annotation = Annotation() >>> segment = Segment(0, 2) >>> annotation[segment, 'speaker1'] = 'Bernard' >>> annotation[segment, 'speaker2'] = 'John' >>> print sorted(annotation.get_labels(segment)) set(['Bernard', 'John']) >>> print annotation.get_labels(Segment(1, 2)) set([]) """ labels = self._tracks.get(segment, {}).values() if unique: return set(labels) return list(labels)
[docs] def subset(self, labels: Iterable[Label], invert: bool = False) -> "Annotation": """Filter annotation by labels Parameters ---------- labels : iterable List of filtered labels invert : bool, optional If invert is True, extract all but requested labels Returns ------- filtered : Annotation Filtered annotation """ labels = set(labels) if invert: labels = set(self.labels()) - labels else: labels = labels & set(self.labels()) sub = self.__class__(uri=self.uri, modality=self.modality) _tracks, _labels = {}, set([]) for segment, tracks in self._tracks.items(): sub_tracks = { track: label for track, label in tracks.items() if label in labels } if sub_tracks: _tracks[segment] = sub_tracks _labels.update(sub_tracks.values()) sub._tracks = SortedDict(_tracks) sub._labelNeedsUpdate = {label: True for label in _labels} sub._labels = {label: None for label in _labels} sub._timelineNeedsUpdate = True sub._timeline = None return sub
[docs] def update(self, annotation: "Annotation", copy: bool = False) -> "Annotation": """Add every track of an existing annotation (in place) Parameters ---------- annotation : Annotation Annotation whose tracks are being added copy : bool, optional Return a copy of the annotation. Defaults to updating the annotation in-place. Returns ------- self : Annotation Updated annotation Note ---- Existing tracks are updated with the new label. """ result = self.copy() if copy else self # TODO speed things up by working directly with annotation internals for segment, track, label in annotation.itertracks(yield_label=True): result[segment, track] = label return result
[docs] def label_timeline(self, label: Label, copy: bool = True) -> Timeline: """Query segments by label Parameters ---------- label : object Query copy : bool, optional Defaults (True) to returning a copy of the internal timeline. Set to False to return the actual internal timeline (faster). Returns ------- timeline : Timeline Timeline made of all segments for which at least one track is annotated as label Note ---- If label does not exist, this will return an empty timeline. Note ---- In case copy is set to False, be careful **not** to modify the returned timeline, as it may lead to weird subsequent behavior of the annotation instance. """ if label not in self.labels(): return Timeline(uri=self.uri) if self._labelNeedsUpdate[label]: self._updateLabels() if copy: return self._labels[label].copy() return self._labels[label]
[docs] def label_support(self, label: Label) -> Timeline: """Label support Equivalent to ``Annotation.label_timeline(label).support()`` Parameters ---------- label : object Query Returns ------- support : Timeline Label support See also -------- :func:`~pyannote.core.Annotation.label_timeline` :func:`` """ return self.label_timeline(label, copy=False).support()
[docs] def label_duration(self, label: Label) -> float: """Label duration Equivalent to ``Annotation.label_timeline(label).duration()`` Parameters ---------- label : object Query Returns ------- duration : float Duration, in seconds. See also -------- :func:`~pyannote.core.Annotation.label_timeline` :func:`~pyannote.core.Timeline.duration` """ return self.label_timeline(label, copy=False).duration()
[docs] def chart(self, percent: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[Label, float]]: """Get labels chart (from longest to shortest duration) Parameters ---------- percent : bool, optional Return list of (label, percentage) tuples. Defaults to returning list of (label, duration) tuples. Returns ------- chart : list List of (label, duration), sorted by duration in decreasing order. """ chart = sorted( ((L, self.label_duration(L)) for L in self.labels()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) if percent: total = np.sum([duration for _, duration in chart]) chart = [(label, duration / total) for (label, duration) in chart] return chart
[docs] def argmax(self, support: Optional[Support] = None) -> Optional[Label]: """Get label with longest duration Parameters ---------- support : Segment or Timeline, optional Find label with longest duration within provided support. Defaults to whole extent. Returns ------- label : any existing label or None Label with longest intersection Examples -------- >>> annotation = Annotation(modality='speaker') >>> annotation[Segment(0, 10), 'speaker1'] = 'Alice' >>> annotation[Segment(8, 20), 'speaker1'] = 'Bob' >>> print "%s is such a talker!" % annotation.argmax() Bob is such a talker! >>> segment = Segment(22, 23) >>> if not annotation.argmax(support): ... print "No label intersecting %s" % segment No label intersection [22 --> 23] """ cropped = self if support is not None: cropped = cropped.crop(support, mode="intersection") if not cropped: return None return max( ((_, cropped.label_duration(_)) for _ in cropped.labels()), key=lambda x: x[1], )[0]
[docs] def rename_tracks(self, generator: LabelGenerator = "string") -> "Annotation": """Rename all tracks Parameters ---------- generator : 'string', 'int', or iterable, optional If 'string' (default) rename tracks to 'A', 'B', 'C', etc. If 'int', rename tracks to 0, 1, 2, etc. If iterable, use it to generate track names. Returns ------- renamed : Annotation Copy of the original annotation where tracks are renamed. Example ------- >>> annotation = Annotation() >>> annotation[Segment(0, 1), 'a'] = 'a' >>> annotation[Segment(0, 1), 'b'] = 'b' >>> annotation[Segment(1, 2), 'a'] = 'a' >>> annotation[Segment(1, 3), 'c'] = 'c' >>> print(annotation) [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.000] a a [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.000] b b [ 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:02.000] a a [ 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000] c c >>> print(annotation.rename_tracks(generator='int')) [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.000] 0 a [ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.000] 1 b [ 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:02.000] 2 a [ 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000] 3 c """ renamed = self.__class__(uri=self.uri, modality=self.modality) if generator == "string": generator = string_generator() elif generator == "int": generator = int_generator() # TODO speed things up by working directly with annotation internals for s, _, label in self.itertracks(yield_label=True): renamed[s, next(generator)] = label return renamed
[docs] def rename_labels( self, mapping: Optional[Dict] = None, generator: LabelGenerator = "string", copy: bool = True, ) -> "Annotation": """Rename labels Parameters ---------- mapping : dict, optional {old_name: new_name} mapping dictionary. generator : 'string', 'int' or iterable, optional If 'string' (default) rename label to 'A', 'B', 'C', ... If 'int', rename to 0, 1, 2, etc. If iterable, use it to generate labels. copy : bool, optional Set to True to return a copy of the annotation. Set to False to update the annotation in-place. Defaults to True. Returns ------- renamed : Annotation Annotation where labels have been renamed Note ---- Unmapped labels are kept unchanged. Note ---- Parameter `generator` has no effect when `mapping` is provided. """ if mapping is None: if generator == "string": generator = string_generator() elif generator == "int": generator = int_generator() # generate mapping mapping = {label: next(generator) for label in self.labels()} renamed = self.copy() if copy else self for old_label, new_label in mapping.items(): renamed._labelNeedsUpdate[old_label] = True renamed._labelNeedsUpdate[new_label] = True for segment, tracks in self._tracks.items(): new_tracks = { track: mapping.get(label, label) for track, label in tracks.items() } renamed._tracks[segment] = new_tracks return renamed
[docs] def relabel_tracks(self, generator: LabelGenerator = "string") -> "Annotation": """Relabel tracks Create a new annotation where each track has a unique label. Parameters ---------- generator : 'string', 'int' or iterable, optional If 'string' (default) relabel tracks to 'A', 'B', 'C', ... If 'int' relabel to 0, 1, 2, ... If iterable, use it to generate labels. Returns ------- renamed : Annotation New annotation with relabeled tracks. """ if generator == "string": generator = string_generator() elif generator == "int": generator = int_generator() relabeled = self.empty() for s, t, _ in self.itertracks(yield_label=True): relabeled[s, t] = next(generator) return relabeled
[docs] def support(self, collar: float = 0.0) -> "Annotation": """Annotation support The support of an annotation is an annotation where contiguous tracks with same label are merged into one unique covering track. A picture is worth a thousand words:: collar |---| annotation |--A--| |--A--| |-B-| |-B-| |--C--| |----B-----| |------A------| |------B------| |-B-| |--C--| Parameters ---------- collar : float, optional Merge tracks with same label and separated by less than `collar` seconds. This is why 'A' tracks are merged in above figure. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- support : Annotation Annotation support Note ---- Track names are lost in the process. """ generator = string_generator() # initialize an empty annotation # with same uri and modality as original support = self.empty() for label in self.labels(): # get timeline for current label timeline = self.label_timeline(label, copy=True) # fill the gaps shorter than collar timeline = # reconstruct annotation with merged tracks for segment in support[segment, next(generator)] = label return support
[docs] def co_iter( self, other: "Annotation" ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[Segment, TrackName], Tuple[Segment, TrackName]]]: """Iterate over pairs of intersecting tracks Parameters ---------- other : Annotation Second annotation Returns ------- iterable : (Segment, object), (Segment, object) iterable Yields pairs of intersecting tracks, in chronological (then alphabetical) order. See also -------- :func:`~pyannote.core.Timeline.co_iter` """ timeline = self.get_timeline(copy=False) other_timeline = other.get_timeline(copy=False) for s, S in timeline.co_iter(other_timeline): tracks = sorted(self.get_tracks(s), key=str) other_tracks = sorted(other.get_tracks(S), key=str) for t, T in itertools.product(tracks, other_tracks): yield (s, t), (S, T)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: "Annotation") -> np.ndarray: """Cooccurrence (or confusion) matrix >>> matrix = annotation * other Parameters ---------- other : Annotation Second annotation Returns ------- cooccurrence : (n_self, n_other) np.ndarray Cooccurrence matrix where `n_self` (resp. `n_other`) is the number of labels in `self` (resp. `other`). """ if not isinstance(other, Annotation): raise TypeError( "computing cooccurrence matrix only works with Annotation " "instances." ) i_labels = self.labels() j_labels = other.labels() I = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(i_labels)} J = {label: j for j, label in enumerate(j_labels)} matrix = np.zeros((len(I), len(J))) # iterate over intersecting tracks and accumulate durations for (segment, track), (other_segment, other_track) in self.co_iter(other): i = I[self[segment, track]] j = J[other[other_segment, other_track]] duration = (segment & other_segment).duration matrix[i, j] += duration return matrix
[docs] def discretize( self, support: Optional[Segment] = None, resolution: Union[float, SlidingWindow] = 0.01, labels: Optional[List[Hashable]] = None, duration: Optional[float] = None, ): """Discretize Parameters ---------- support : Segment, optional Part of annotation to discretize. Defaults to annotation full extent. resolution : float or SlidingWindow, optional Defaults to 10ms frames. labels : list of labels, optional Defaults to self.labels() duration : float, optional Overrides support duration and ensures that the number of returned frames is fixed (which might otherwise not be the case because of rounding errors). Returns ------- discretized : SlidingWindowFeature (num_frames, num_labels)-shaped binary features. """ if support is None: support = self.get_timeline().extent() start_time, end_time = support cropped = self.crop(support, mode="intersection") if labels is None: labels = cropped.labels() if isinstance(resolution, SlidingWindow): resolution = SlidingWindow( start=start_time, step=resolution.step, duration=resolution.duration ) else: resolution = SlidingWindow( start=start_time, step=resolution, duration=resolution ) start_frame = resolution.closest_frame(start_time) if duration is None: end_frame = resolution.closest_frame(end_time) num_frames = end_frame - start_frame else: num_frames = int(round(duration / resolution.step)) data = np.zeros((num_frames, len(labels)), dtype=np.uint8) for k, label in enumerate(labels): segments = cropped.label_timeline(label) for start, stop in resolution.crop( segments, mode="center", return_ranges=True ): data[max(0, start) : min(stop, num_frames), k] += 1 data = np.minimum(data, 1, out=data) return SlidingWindowFeature(data, resolution, labels=labels)
[docs] @classmethod def from_records( cls, records: Iterator[Tuple[Segment, TrackName, Label]], uri: Optional[str] = None, modality: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Annotation": """Annotation Parameters ---------- records : iterator of tuples (segment, track, label) tuples uri : string, optional name of annotated resource (e.g. audio or video file) modality : string, optional name of annotated modality Returns ------- annotation : Annotation New annotation """ annotation = cls(uri=uri, modality=modality) tracks = defaultdict(dict) labels = set() for segment, track, label in records: tracks[segment][track] = label labels.add(label) annotation._tracks = SortedDict(tracks) annotation._labels = {label: None for label in labels} annotation._labelNeedsUpdate = {label: True for label in annotation._labels} annotation._timeline = None annotation._timelineNeedsUpdate = True return annotation
def _repr_png_(self): """IPython notebook support See also -------- :mod:`pyannote.core.notebook` """ from .notebook import MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE, MATPLOTLIB_WARNING if not MATPLOTLIB_IS_AVAILABLE: warnings.warn(MATPLOTLIB_WARNING.format(klass=self.__class__.__name__)) return None from .notebook import repr_annotation return repr_annotation(self)