############# Serialization ############# :mod:`pyannote.core.json` provides convenient functions to (de)serialize `pyannote.core` data structure instances to (from) JSON. .. code-block:: ipython In [14]: from pyannote.core import Segment, Timeline, Annotation In [13]: import pyannote.core.json In [15]: pyannote.core.json.dumps(Segment(0, 1)) Out[15]: '{"start": 0, "end": 1}' In [16]: timeline = Timeline([Segment(0, 1), Segment(1, 3)], uri='my_file') In [22]: serialized = pyannote.core.json.dumps(timeline) In [23]: deserialized = pyannote.core.json.loads(serialized) In [24]: deserialized == timeline Out[24]: True See :mod:`pyannote.core.json` for the complete reference.